How Are My Savings Taxed?

How Are My Savings Taxed?

If you’ve been saving for a little while and watched your rainy-day pot grow into a nest egg, then you may be starting to wonder what kind of tax you’ll need to pay. The rules around tax savings can be a little bit complicated, so we’ve tried to lay...
What Can I Buy Through My Business?

What Can I Buy Through My Business?

Because businesses pay tax on their profits, they can claim the tax back on things they have brought for business purposes. This can help you to save a lot of money if used properly but can also get you into some serious trouble if you abuse the system. We’ve...
New Self-Assessment Forms Simplify Tax Returns

New Self-Assessment Forms Simplify Tax Returns

This could herald the end of tax returns as we know it – one day, at least. The HMRC are introducing a new, simplified self-assessment form for some taxpayers. Ask any company director or self-employed freelancer and they’ll tell you the same thing: Few things...
Why the NIC U-Turn Isn’t Over for Self-Employed

Why the NIC U-Turn Isn’t Over for Self-Employed

The self-employed took a collective sigh of relief last week, when Chancellor Philip Hammond announced a dramatic U-turn on raising Class 4 national insurance contributions. But the news doesn’t mean the self-employed are out of the woods yet.The...