4 Tips on Getting Ready for the New Tax Year

4 Tips on Getting Ready for the New Tax Year

As a business owner, you have probably heard the saying that states the only two things in life that are certain are death and taxes. For businesses of every size, the end of the tax year is one of the busiest times, and according to a study carried out by the...
New Self-Assessment Forms Simplify Tax Returns

New Self-Assessment Forms Simplify Tax Returns

This could herald the end of tax returns as we know it – one day, at least. The HMRC are introducing a new, simplified self-assessment form for some taxpayers. Ask any company director or self-employed freelancer and they’ll tell you the same thing: Few things...
The Gig Economy: What Is It and Is It Right For You?

The Gig Economy: What Is It and Is It Right For You?

The gig economy is booming. And you can thank the internet for its meteoric rise, making it easier for people to network, promote their services and, ultimately, be their own boss. That, in a nutshell, is what the gig economy is: Work based on short-term contracts and...