At KitKash we love anything to do with saving money, so when we came across this infographic from Oliver’s Travels we just had to share it.

Sometimes when you are working hard and keeping your spending down, it can be a bit like being on a diet and wanting cake – the luxuries of life can be tempting.

However as this infographic shows, if you keep to your budget and make the appropriate savings, it can be still possible to afford – and more importantly plan for – the purchase of luxuries.

The infographic looks at some example things that you could do without, and then what you could afford in exchange for the savings.

Some are more quirky and interesting than others, for example if you were able to save on 10 months of commuting to work, you could rent your castle!

View the infographic below, and if you have any examples of luxuries you can’t do without we would love to hear them in the comments.
